We offer a Savings Account with highly competitive rates. You may make an unlimited number of deposits into your account.
Effective February 1, 2021, Transaction Limitations will be re-activated! See important details below:
Transaction Limitations: During any calendar quarter, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to a third party. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth in any statement period, your account will be subject to an excessive withdrawal fee. An excessive withdrawal fee of $2.00 will be charged for each check, auto-transfer, ACH, ATM, or POS debit charge in excess of six during a quarterly statement cycle.
Minimum balance to open $10.00
- If your balance falls below $300.00 on any day in the statement cycle, your account will be subject to a $5.00 minimum balance fee for the statement cycle.
- An early closing fee of $50.00 will be charged on accounts closed within 90 days of the opening date of the account.