This is an account that provides easy access to your money plus other great benefits!
Minimum balance to open $50.00
- Unlimited number of debits and deposits
- No minimum balance required
- We provide 100 personalized wallet style checks each year. Other check styles available at additional costs
- Members under 70 receive $10,000.00 Accidental Death Insurance, age 70 and over receive $5,000.00 Coverage is split on joint accounts.
- Insurance products are not a deposit account, not FDIC insured, are not insured by a federal government agency, and not guaranteed by the bank
- Payment Card Protection - Protect all your credit, ATM and check cards in the event of loss and theft.
- Cash Back Rewards - Earn cash back for shopping online.
- Savers Club - Receive a free copy of our popular Savers Club book. Use it across the country or close to home. Discounts on recreation destinations, movie theaters, hotels, motels, and more!
- Safekeeping of Wills in a locked vault.
- Card patrol with Social Security Number Monitoring - Real-time online monitoring service alerting you of suspicious activity.
- This account provides easy access to your money plus other great benefits.
- Plan 1 - $14.00 per month
- Plan 2 - $16.00 per month
- An early closing fee of $50.00 will be charged on accounts closed within 90 days of the opening date of the account